Thursday 7 November 2013

Rimmel Salon Pro Nail Polishes

Nail Polish for me is like putting on lipstick or drawing in my eyebrows. It is an every day part of my beauty routine. I change them frequently and you are very unlikely to find me without.

I am a massive fan or the Rimmel Salon Pro Nail Polishes and have done a little review today of my favourites.

My favourites are the Kate Moss colours 701 Jazz Funk and 712 Rhythm & Blues.
Jazz Funk Is a soft pink. Perfect for fingers. Rhythm & Blues is a dark navy blue and my go to for the Autumn/Winter months.
The polishes are long lasting and hard wearing. They have a gel like finish, chip resistant and anti-fade colour. The brushes are wider and provide an even coat of colour.
I tend to find 2 coats is more than enough on most of the colours but you may need an extra coat on the lightest colours in the range.
I use the Brit Manicure Nail Colour in 433 Ivory Tower as a base if I really want to make the colour pop.
Todays manicure is a fade of Burgundy-Red to Pink a copy of which I recently viewed on Pinterest.

The colours I chose for this look are as follows;
L-R from the 1st photo:
702 Simply Sizzling, 402 Urban Purple, Kate 701 Jazz Funk, Kate 317 Hip Hop and Kate 703 Rock N Roll.

Rimmel is my High Street choice for Nail Polish.

I would love to hear your recommendations on High Street Nail Polish


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